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P33 Announces New Board Members

Laura Cowan

By Laura Cowan

Laura K. Cowan is a tech editor and journalist whose work has focused on promoting sustainability initiatives for automotive, green tech, and conscious living media outlets.

chicago-tech-news, Midwest startup news, P33, startup board, recruiting

P33 Hires Some Familiar Faces to New Board

Chicago startup incubator and tech networking hub P33 has just announced new board members, some of whom might be familiar to you from the Midwest tech scene.

The new board members include:

Feyi Olopade Ayodele, Co-founder & CEO, CancerIQ Brian Barnes, founder and CEO, M1
Rashid Bashir, Dean, Grainger College of Engineering
Amanda Lannert, CEO, Jellyvision Derek Douglas, President of the Civic Committee and the Commercial Club of Chicago

The P33 CEO Brad Henderson says of the new team members, "Our newest members will provide valuable leadership as we head into year five of P33 and the portfolio of work that lies ahead for the next five years. We're fortunate to add more tech founders, CEOS, and civic leaders while continuing to partner closely with UIUC."

The P33 board is uncommonly diverse, as suits the organization's mission to support all founders, including those who are historically underrepresented. The board currently has the following diversity demographics:

POC: 44% Women: 48%

chicago startups, P33, incubators, midwest tech news, chicago tech news

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